Response to use of the EuroStemCell name by other organisations

We have become aware of other private organisations operating under the name EuroStemCell. We are not affiliated with any of these organisations, and have had no role in the development of their web content. These websites do not use our logo or content, and we interpret the use of our name as an honest mistake rather than an attempt to benefit from the work of our colleagues and from our standing in search rankings. Nonetheless, we feel it is important to clarify that we have no connection to these organisations, and do not endorse their contents. 

Our remit is the provision of information, and finding ways to improve the accessibility of this information. All of the information resources we have developed are freely available freely online. We will never restrict access on a for-profit basis, or offer private consulting on specific health questions, much less claim to provide or facilitate access to healthcare solutions. 

EuroStemCell (the European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Information) was a communications project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 652796). This project ran from 2004 until 2020. It’s stated remit was to collate accurate, high-quality information from scientists, healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and other professionals to support individuals seeking information about stem cells. 

In 2020, EuroStemCell was superseded by EuroGCT (the European Consortium for Gene and Cell Therapy Information), funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 965241). A consortium of 47 research partners around Europe, EuroGCT’s purpose is the provision of reliable, accessible, information about gene and cell therapies. Any new information resources we provide will be made available under the EuroGCT name; there has been and will be no new work under the EuroStemCell name 

As material on is updated, this content is migrated to the Any static material, which does not need to be updated, will continue to be housed on We do not have any other website. Furthermore, we encourage our partners to link to our resources, rather than copying sections to other websites; this avoids a situation where out-of-date information developed by us is housed elsewhere on the internet. 

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