Short film: Unfolding Collaboration

Unfolding CollaborationCreative public engagement initiatives are often strengthened by collaborations but how do they come about? What are the benefits and challenges? This short animated film reveals the story, from beginning to end, of a collaborative public engagement initiative involving stem cell scientists, public engagement professionals, artists and social anthropologists. We hope that by sharing what we have learned, it will encourage others to get creative and collaborative!


Unfolding Collaboration: A short animated film about engaging people with stem cell research through collaboration and participation. Produced by EuroStemCell - helping European citizens make sense of stem cell research and stem cell scientists make sense of public engagement.


With thanks to the public engagement professionals, scientists, social scientists, artists and intrepid festival go-ers featured in this film. Particular thanks to Dr Cathy Southworth, Karen Jent and Tung Ken Lam

Voice edit, animation, sound and direction: Cameron Duguid

Producer: Dr Jan Barfoot

With gratitude to our funders and collaborators:

EuroStemCell: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652796.


This project, ThymiStem are working towards stem cell therapies that can boost the immune system by repairing the thymus, an essential organ of the immune system.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 602587.


This project - Upscaling human insulin-producing beta cell production by efficient differentiation and expansion of endoderm progenitors - has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 602587.