5th Annual Conference of the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN

Event date: 11 Wrzesień 2017 to 13 Wrzesień 2017

Położenie: Jena , Niemcy

GSCN Conference

The conference will cover the latest findings in stem cell biology in Germany. Two poster sessions, meet-the-expert-tables, an industry exhibition and two evening events will give you plenty of networking opportunities with your peers, potential new collaborators, industry partners and mentors. Beside international keynote lectures from Elaine Fuchs (New York), Margaret Goodell (Texas), Heinrich Jasper (Novato), Jürgen Knoblich (Vienna) and Manuel Serrano (Madrid), the major goal of this conference is to provide young scientists with a high level forum.

The deadline for early registration and abstract submission (considered for oral presentation) is 31 May.

Scientific sessions:

• Programing and reprograming

• Somatic stem cells and development

• Hematopoietic stem cells

• Stem cells in diseases: cancer stem cells

• Stem cells in regenerative therapies

• Stem cells in disease modeling and drug development

• Computational stem cell biology

Program and further information