Links to clinical trials information for patients

Links to help patients find more information about clinical trials, and connect with relevant patient organisations.

ISSCR: a closer look at stem cell treatmentsHelps patients evaluate stem cell treatments

clinical trials database. 

IMPORTANT: Information on is provided by the sponsor or principal investigator of the clinical study, and posting to this site does not necessarily reflect endorsement by NIH. does not independently verify the scientific validity or relevance of the submitted information beyond a limited quality control review for apparent errors, deficiencies, or inconsistencies. Talk with a trusted healthcare professional before choosing to participate in a clinical study.

EU Clinical Trials RegisterSearch for clinical trials in the EU
NHS Clinical Trials Databaseincludes searchable database, articles and information
Orphanet | patient organisationsPortal for rare diseases and orphan drugs: patient organisations listing
Orphanet | patient registriesSearch for patient registries and biobanks relevant to rare diseases at the portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs
Patients Like Mepatient social network: includes clinical trials matching tool
TREAT-NMD patient registriesList of patient registries for neuromuscular conditions.
UK Clinical Trials GatewayEasy to understand information about clinical research trials running in the UK