Start with a Stem Cell: outreach kit for scientists

Start with a Stem CellThe material for this activity is available in French - see downloads below.

An engaging kit of activities for scientists to use at outreach events. 

Details and instructions


Designed to support scientists at outreach events, this highly interactive and engaging set of resources provides activities for all ages. Supported by Eurosystem and Optistem, the materials for all of the activities have been distributed to over 30 labs across Europe and have been translated for use in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Here you will find electronic copies of the materials and the guidance notes to go with them.

Start as a stem cell

An active, fun game for 1-6 players, introducing the idea that cells differentiate to produce mature cells, and the type of cell produced depends on the signals the cell receives.

Where are my stem cells?

Stick the organs and pictures onto your own body outline to learn about where stem cells are found. This activity aims to counter the common misconception that stem cells can only be found in the embryo. It also reinforces learning about the locations of organs in the human body and the way in which organs are built up from cells and tissues.

Concept posters

Colourful cartoons that provoke thought and discussion about basic stem cell concepts: What are stem cells? Where do we find stem cells? Who has stem cells? The approach is based on the successful Concept Cartoons® model.

Stem cell simulation

This simulation provides a dynamic look at how our stem cells help maintain a healthy body. You can simulate illness, including cancer, to see how your cells are affected and how your body regulates itself to try and maintain a healthy number of cells. Developed in collaboration with Dresden University of Technology.

Cell turnover – computer interactive

Find out how many cells you are making and losing in your body in real time by playing with this computer interactive. Made in collaboration with the Centre of the Cell, London.

Microscope activity

Identify different types of tissue found in a teratoma and see just how many different types of cell an embryonic stem cell can become.

Cell pet

Gain an insight into the life of a stem cell scientist by learning how they look after cells, just as you’d learn to look after a pet!

Activity guides for facilitators (zip)4.09 Mo Start as a stem cell (zip)6.14 Mo Stem cell stimulation (zip)16.84 Mo FRENCH: Cell Turnover12.04 Mo FRENCH: Concept Posters13.71 Mo FRENCH: Where are my stem cells?12.45 Mo


Developed for EuroSyStem by Dr Cathy Southworth with graphic images by Jim and Lindsey Southworth. For further information contact

Development of the Stem Cell Simulation tool:
Markus Marks, Axel Krinner, Ingmar Glauche, Nico Scherf, Ingo Roeder.

With many thanks for their work on translation:
Ángela Macia Ortega, Dietrich Lueerssen, Melania Tesio, barbara gayraud-morel, jose luis garcia-perez, Vivien Rolland, Maria-Camila Gomez, Karin Klauke,  Pilar Sánchez, Eva Teuling

With many thanks for their scientific contribution:
Nick Barker, Clare Blackburn, Luke Boulter, Peter Buske, Stefano Camnasio, Elena Cattaneo, Ian Chambers, Hans Clever, Jorg Galle, Barbara Gayraud-Morel, Maria-Camila Gomez, Francois Gorostidi, Gerald  de Haan, Takashi Hiiragi, Sten Eirik Jacobsen, Alison Farley, Ingmar Glauche, Harry Hemberg, Keisuke Kaji, Philipp J. Keller, Axel Krinner, Markus Marks, Dietrich Lueerssen, Emma Rawlins, Ingo Roeder, Nico Scherf, Simon Tomlinson, Mark Van De Casteele, Gunter Leuckx, Vivien Rolland, Anja Schillert, Shahragim Tajbakhsh, Melania Tesio, Eva Teuling, Robert Vries, Julie Watson, Val Wilson

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